What is cyber security and why is it important?

Cybersecurity is, put simply, the practice of protecting computer networks, applications, and data center environments from digital attacks by threat actors. These threat actors, as they are called, deploy cyberattacks with the aim of accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information. In today’s world which is increasingly driven by digital transformation, companies store large quantities of data (passwords or financial information) on computers and other internet-connected devices. Why you need to Including a Cybersecurity Strategy: In recent years, we've seen an influx of news stories about data breaches that have led to serious consequences for the companies involved. With the amount of data being compromised on the rise with no end in sight, it's more important than ever to take steps to secure your company's assets and prevent future attacks. A reliable and good security strategy is key for businesses in order to reduce the chance of data theft as well a...