Cybersecurity as an industry is going strength to strength every year but has risen exponentially over the past two years mainly due to the pandemic that hit us across the globe. On the other hand, there are a lot of speculation that claims the cybersecurity market is a bubble about to burst. Nevertheless, we must consider that a lot of organisations are earmarking a considerable amount of their budget for cyber security due to which there has been a huge demand for cybersecurity solutions.

The ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity presents big challenges for businesses and individuals alike. Keeping up with the latest threats and trends is a full-time job and even then, it can be difficult to stay ahead of the curve. In addition to constantly evolving threats, there are also a variety of compliance regulations to consider. While some regulations are specific to certain industries, others are more general and apply to all companies that collect or store personal data. Cybersecurity is a complex and ever-changing field, but by staying informed and working with a trusted partner, you can stay one step ahead of the bad guys.




Due to the emergence of a series of technologies such as Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we envision cybersecurity as an industry will emerge to be a prominent force which provides new research and innovation opportunities. The most effected industries by cyber-attacks are 





Organisations in these industries are increasingly becoming an easy prey for the cyber criminals. In this section, we will discuss the major challenges that the industry is facing.


With automation being on the rise there are a lot of risks associated with the connected objects. Internet of Things (IoT) connects most of our smart systems to gadgets over internet and a lot of vulnerabilities arise due of this. Automation though being a wonderful invention is one of the biggest threats too. To add to that, most cyber criminals are difficult to track and locate. This amplifies the danger as the same set of cyber criminals keep on causing a lot of damage to different organisations under various industries.

On the other hand, organisations lack the necessary awareness to understand that cybersecurity advisory & consulting services is a continuous process and not a one-time activity. Organisations using outdated systems and policies automatically become vulnerable to cyber-attacks. As part of their cyber-security strategy, organisations use the same standard cyber security products throughout their network without segregating and prioritizing the assets will not solve the problem. This coupled with lack of prioritizing cyber security strategies and planning is one of the most basic problems we are collectively facing today.


To add to that, organisations are bombarded with multiple regulations and policies complexing the whole procedure to be complaint with the regulators. This stretches the organisations resources and often, they end up doing a very lacklustre job with respect to the compliance requirements, leading to being vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 

This can be simplified by hiring cyber-security experts to be their extended arm who will not only make sure the organisations are up-to date with the current regulations and compliances but also insulating them from any kind of threats. Organisations need to prioritize getting regularly audited to avoid any kind of business disruptions and to make themselves secure. 



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